
The needs of children: that’s what has always been our top priority, since we first dreamed about setting up our child care service, whether we’re talking about vital needs or secondary needs, which are just as important to us.

The way we set up our infrastructure, as well as its atmosphere and sense of place aim to evoke the feeling of a family home: a lobby, a dining room, somewhere to play, somewhere to sleep, a bathroom and a garden. Since Le Monde Magique is hosted in an old bourgeois house, stonewalls and exposed beams evoke a warm and cozy feeling.

Two directors head up Le Monde Magique’s educational team. Both of them are trained nurses and professional directors of child care services, with credentials dating back to 1999.

Making sure that children have an adaptation period is one of our priorities: it’s an important step for every child that should not be omitted. 

In Le Monde Magique, every new kid must go through an adaptation phase that is not fixed in time, but is as long as every child needs. At first, children come and visit us with their parents, then they come alone, for short 30-minute phases to begin with, and then progressively they stay longer and longer and end up sharing with us what we consider to be the highlights of the day: dinner and the afternoon nap.

Children are our guiding threads: our goal is to make progress with them and their parents without asking too much of them. For many children, child care is their first social experience: it’s crucial that it’s successful and that they may experience it at their own pace.

"Our pedagogy is based on respecting every child’s own development and inner sense of stability. They must have the opportunity to discover things by themselves, with the help of professionals. Children’s self-reliance fostered by specific activities and our daily routine which can be easily be brought home if needed." 

Le Monde Magique is a place where parents can express their needs and wishes in a climate of respect and mutual trust. We respect different cultures and encourage children to respect them. Everyone is free to express themselves without fearing judgement. It is of foremost importance that we offer every child, and therefore every parent, a top quality care service.

By registering your child at Le Monde Magique, you will receive a complete version of our pedagogical guidelines.

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